Gynecologist, Reproductologist, Infertility treatment specialistSpecialization:
- Treatment and diagnosis of infertility;
- Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD);
- Assisted reproductive technologies for patients:
– with genetic pathologies;
– previous unsuccessful IVF attempts;
– with low and very low ovarian reserve. - Execution of IVF protocols in advanced reproductive age;
- Treatment of complex infertility cases using personalized protocols;
- Hormonal disorders, gynecological endocrinology;
- Preventive gynecological consultations;
- Gynecological USG.
- Received a doctors qualification in the specialty “Medicine” at the Donetsk National Medical University (Ukraine) in 1999;
- Received a gynecologist, obstetrician qualification at the Donetsk National Medical University (Ukraine) in 2001;
- Received a qualification in “Ultrasonography in obstetrics and gynecology” at the Donetsk National Medical University (Ukraine) in 2014.
Certified ultrasonography specialist in gynecology and obstetrics.
Trained in the field of reproductive medicine in Sweden, Germany and Belgium.
Continuously develops their skills and acquires new knowledge in international seminars, symposia, courses and conferences.
Professional organizations:
- Member of the Board of Baltic Fertility Society (BFS)
- Member of the ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology).
- Member of the Ukrainian Association of Reproductive Medicine (UARM).
- Member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).
- Member of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction (RAHR).
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