Gynecologic oncologist, Colposcopy specialistSpecialization:
- planning of pregnancy and pregnancy care;
- diagnostics and treatment of mammary gland diseases;
- sexually transmitted disease prevention and treatment;
- female pelvic inflammatory diseases;
- individual optimal contraceptive selection;
- diagnosis of cervical cancer by colposcopy;
- gynecological operations (hysteroscopy, uterine abrasions, etc.);
- diagnosis and surgical treatment of gynecological oncological diseases.
- Received a doctor’s qualification at the Grodno State Medical University in 2004.
- Received a gynecologist, obstetrician qualification at the Latvian University in 2012.
- Received a gynecologic oncologist qualification at the Riga Stradins University in 2018.
- Certified ultrasonography specialist in gynecology and obstetrics.
Professional organizations:
- Member of the Latvian Association of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians.
- Member of the Latvian Colposcopy Society.
- Member of the Latvian Association of Oncology Gynecologists.