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The NORTHWAY group of companies brings together 17 companies that have been successfully developing their activities in the fields of medicine, healthcare, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and investment for seventeen years. Its medical, biotechnology and investment clusters employ more than 800 talented professionals. Most of them are highly qualified scientists, biopharmaceuticals and medical professionals. The group companies operate in Lithuania, Latvia, Great Britain and the USA.

The NORTHWAY medical cluster currently unites 7 clinics in Riga, Vilnius, Kretinga, Klaipeda and London, providing patients with complex top-level services – from prevention, disease diagnosis to surgical treatment, rehabilitation and artificial insemination. The quality management system ISO 9001: 2015 implemented in medical centers ensures safe and high-quality patient service, maintenance of medical equipment and high qualification of specialists.

The biotechnology cluster, which presents itself under a single brand NORTHWAY BIOTECH, combines “Biotechpharma”, “Biota”, “Biosantara”, “Celltechna” and the Stem Cell Research Center. NORTHWAY BIOTECH’s range of outsourced biopharmaceutical development services is extremely wide, from cell line design and process development to good manufacturing practices for pharmaceuticals and the production and supply of pharmaceutical products for clinical trials.

The NORTHWAY Investment Cluster, which brings together “Northway turto valdymas”, “Šventosios guboja”, “Bionamas” and “Comtechna”, is a long-term investment company.

The values ​​of the Northway Group are leadership, openness to change, creativity, strategic discipline and outstanding performance.